25 November 2014
Please check the Chinese version to read the full version.The report on retirement protection by Professor Chow Wing Sun suggests introducing a monthly Demo-grant of $3,000 for all permanent residents aged 65 or above without means-testing. This paper draws lesson from the pension systems of Taiwan and Australia and expresses concern over the financial sustainability of such allocation of public funds.The report on retirement protection by Professor Chow Wing Sun suggests introducing a monthly D
29 October 2014
Sorry, we only provide the Chinese version. 文化及創意產業在香港經濟上擔當的角色愈趨重要,自 2003 年開始,文化及創意產業被香港政府納入為主要推動的發展產業之一。在 2009 年更被納入為六項優勢產業1的其中一項。
01 October 2014
Please check the Chinese versionto read the full version.There are a few widely-quoted global e-government rankings, including the United Nations e-Government Survey, the World Economic Forum Global IT report and the Waseda University International e-Government Ranking. Hong Kong should try to learn from the top countries to achieve better governance through enhancing e-government.
30 August 2014
It is argued that the middle class in Hong Kong has been ignored by the government, but the truth is that there is no consensus on how to define "the middle class" - whether it should be defined simply by income and assets, or other criteria. This essay argues that when discussing the concern about middle class stagnation, one should analyze the problem from different perspectives in order to find effective solutions.
12 August 2014
Intellectual property rights (IPR) are important intangible assets for enterprises of different sizes. However, the majority of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) do not fully understand the benefits of intellectual property rights and face numerous difficulties in managing them. This article suggests the government should help SMEs overcome these obstacles by providing them more assistance and resources.