12 June 2021
10 June 2021
On 9 June 2021, Mr Alex Wong, Policy Director of Savantas Policy Institute, was invited by the Federation of Hong Kong Hubei Association to deliver a talk on "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Structure and Civil Service Culture". The event consisted of online webinar and onsite participation. Youths from Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi etc. who were interested in civil service jobs took part in the briefing and discussions.
07 June 2021
The second lecture of the "Savantas Liberal Arts Academy Public Policy Study Programme Summer 2021" was held on 5 June. Savantas Liberal Arts Academy (SLAA) invited Mr Lai Tung Kwok, National Consultative Committee Member , Executive Vice Chair of New People’s Party and former Secretary of Security Bureau as the guest speaker of the second lecture. The title is "HKSAR’s National Security Law - Past, Present and Future". Participants can learn about the concept of national security, the diffe
31 May 2021
Organized by Savantas Liberal Arts Academy (SLAA), "Savantas Liberal Arts Academy Public Policy Study Programme Summer 2021" (the programme) officially started its first lecture on 29 May. Mrs Regina IP, Principal of SLAA, was the first speaker, the topic was "Electoral Reform and Implications for Hong Kong’s Constitutional Development". Participants learnt more about the five principles of improving the electoral system, the evolution of political reform, the new functions and roles of the
11 May 2021
Sorry, we only provide the Chinese version. 由匯賢智庫學苑(學苑)舉辦之「早期鼻咽癌篩查新技術的大灣區產業化座談會」於5月7日完滿舉行,是次活動以實體及線上形式同步進行。匯賢智庫政策總監黃彥勳先生於歡迎辭中提到,疫情持續令大家對健康問題更為關注,當中市民對鼻咽癌(本港十大癌症殺手之一)的認識仍有待提高。他感謝得易健康行政總裁翁錦輝先生擔任主講嘉
14 April 2021
繼「十四五規劃和 2035 年遠景目標」研討講座後,由匯賢智庫學苑舉辦,主題為「十四五規劃及兩會後 — 淺析香港青年發展前路」的後續講座已於2021年4月13日圓滿結束。