17 October 2014
On 17 October, upon the invitation of Savantas Policy Institute, Dr Martha Russell, Executive Director of Stanford MediaX, shared her views with members of the ICT community on opportunities presented by big data in relation to building smart communities and meeting challenges of the modern society. Participants also had an in-depth discussion about practical issues (such as privacy issues) associated with the use of big data.
10 December 2013
When the news about Tahrir Square, or Occupy Wall Street or, more recently, the Brazilian protests hit the headlines of newspapers and magazines, they were already outdated. Information travels so fast that news is no longer “new”. Across the entire innovation ecosystem of media, new technologies and new uses of it by people are creating a sea change in the way people participate and in the responses they expect.
31 July 2013
國際知識產權商業化促進會於今明兩日在香港科學園高錕會議中心舉行第二屆國際知識產權商業化促進會議,是次主題名為「如何更好服務中小企成長和工業提升」。此次會議旨在促進香港成為世界級國際知識產權商業化中心,推進香港與全球的合作。匯賢智庫是今次會議的協辦夥伴之一。會議邀請了多位專家分享他們的洞見,討論範疇包括:(1) 知識產權估價、(2) 技
09 January 2009