
2014 年 02 月 10 日

華盛頓史密森尼國家動物園的新生熊貓「寶寶」(Bao Bao)一月初公開亮相,群眾爭相入場探望。上月一期《經濟學人》(TheEconomist)文章"Pandanomics"(即panda 和economics 的合體字)乘機「抽水」。

文章副題是Costly, bumbling ( 笨手笨腳的)Washington has a perfect mascot (吉祥物),內文先描述熊貓如何笨手笨腳:

Pandas are bad at sex and picky ( 挑剔)about food. They eat little but bamboo, thoughit leaves them weak and hungry. Females arein heat ( 發情期) only for a few days a year;males have the savoir faire (源自法語,可解作交際手腕) of pimply (長了粉刺的) prom dates(高中畢業舞會的舞伴).



These genetic (與遺傳有關的) misfits (格格不入的人或物) might have died out long ago, hadthey not been so adorable. (Had they notbeen... 是If they had not been... 的倒裝寫法。)

動物園一年用在熊貓項目的金錢高達260 萬美元。作者得出一個有趣的「結論」:Bao Bao should fit in well in Washington:She costs a fortune, has no useful skills and isalways on TV. On the plus side ( 從好處看),she is better-looking than any member ofCongress - and unlikely ever to be involvedin a sex scandal (性醜聞).

Fit in (well) somewhere 指能融入某處。說熊貓寶寶能輕易融入華盛頓,實指華盛頓政客和熊貓一樣——大花納稅人金錢,缺乏有用技能,只懂經常上電視。更糟的是:國會議員不及熊貓可愛,而且會有性醜聞。


文︰葉劉淑儀作者網址︰ www.savantas.org或www.reginaip.hk

作者電郵︰ iplau@reginaip.hk


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