21 June 2016
Here is our journey over the past decade.
06 May 2016
21 April 2016
Prof. Jonathan Choi Chung-hang, Governor and Founding member of Savantas Policy Institute and Assistant Professor of Electronic Engineering (Biomedical Engineering) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, won a Croucher Innovation Award 2016 with his research in ‘bio-nano’ interactions. He hopes that it will become possible to detect kidney diseases in vivo with specifically designed nanoparticles. Savantas would like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt congratulations
14 April 2016
18 May 2015
匯賢智庫旅行2015昨日圓滿舉行,與匯賢之友參觀葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館,並暢遊淺水灣3D超視覺藝術館及赤柱大街。匯賢智庫主席葉劉淑儀在淺水灣Club One會所一號與各位團友共膳,並主持抽獎環節,一眾團友均盡興而歸。
24 March 2015
The Working Group on Intellectual Property Trading released a report on 24th March, giving various suggestions to promote Hong Kong to be an intellectual property trading hub. Mr Alfred Kwok, Governor and Founding Member of Savantas Policy Institute, is a member of the Working Group.