2021 年 08 月 25 日
2017 年 11 月 07 日
2014 年 10 月 29 日
文化及创意产业在香港经济上担当的角色愈趋重要,自 2003 年开始,文化及创意产业被 香港政府纳入为主要推动的发展产业之一。在 2009 年更被纳入为六项优势产业1的其中一 项。这 11 年期间,香港政府为了发展文化及创意产业,投放了不少的资源在建设、教育 及宣传方面 (施政报告,2014)。例如:政府望透过发展西九文化区,使其成为香港不可或 缺的一个文化艺术地标及成
2013 年 09 月 10 日
此文章只有英文版本, 原文请按此。To investigate this question, a very important concept has to be introduced: Money is a tradable good, of which the value may fluctuate . In other words, the value of the money in your pocket is changing daily because of external or internal factors. Hong Kong government has set a linked exchange rate against the US Dollar.
2013 年 08 月 13 日
此文章只有英文版本, 原文请按此。The Hong Kong economy has long been greatly influenced by external factors .Hong Kong was a manufacturing centre before China adopted the ‘Open Door Policy’, which was the most influential policy in the 20th century. Since then, Hong Kong industries started moving to the Mainland gradually due to the Mainland’s advantage in terms of land and manpower costs as well as and policy incentives.