We think there is a lot of untapped potential in the people of Hong Kong. We believe we can create a better future for ourselves and our children if we work together with a new vision, new purpose and new direction.
Out of the devastation of World War II the people of Hong Kong created an economic miracle and made important contributions to the economic modernization of China. Today, the world has changed: “the world is flat”, as Thomas Friedman has pronounced. Technological development, particularly in information technology, has shrunk the world and created new modes of production and business organization. The intensified pace of globalization has changed fundamentally the business environment in which Hong Kong competes. Globally there is growing recognition of the impact of globalization and the importance of science and technology-based innovation as the major source of long-run economic growth. Leading cities in Mainland China, Taiwan, and countries ranging from Finland, Israel, Ireland, to Singapore are making innovative, technology-based industries and services the motor force of their economic development. Hong Kong risks being left behind in the global race for higher value-added enterprises if the community as a whole does not grasp the nettle of the new globalized, competitive environment and resolve to get the better of it. The government needs to re-consider its time-honored policy of non-intervention (which has in any event been breached from time to time) and develop more finely calibrated and sophisticated models of interaction with the private sector and academia to stimulate the growth of higher value-added economic activities.
The core vision of Savantas is Hong Kong’s transformation into a knowledge-based economy, which Peter Drucker defines as “the emergence of knowledge as the new capital and as the central source of an economy, and of men of knowledge, that is managers of institutions, as the new power center and leading group.”